The Player's System

Chapter 153 - Old Master 2

Old master 2

Team members were slightly shocked. They were thinking which weapon could stop these creatures. Jake did not like the way this old master glared him earlier.

He carefully took aim. He was at the second level in the shooting. His target was lot better. Using the gun most of the time let him learn perfect targets.

He picked one grenade and tilted his head to check whether his aim was perfect or not. He threw the grenade in the wide opened mouth of the old master.

The old master did not anticipate that the team members would find time to counterattack especially when the creatures were constantly drifting on their heads.

But before he could spit out the grenade it blasted. Few of the black teeth fell on the ground also the attack stopped. The creatures disappeared.

There was grim truth behind the old master. He was no more human after practicing black magic in the decades. The outer appearance resembled some human however he was not actually human anymore.

The practice of black magic turned his heart cold and he was willing to destroy whole Empire just to get hold on the Ruby which was under the possession of king. This Ruby was the key to the further development in his skills in the magic.

Old master planned this from the previous decade.

He wanted to kill the king five years ago however the appearance of the Ashmorn made it difficult.

He was unable to kill the king because even if he killed the king he would not be able to get his hands on the Ruby. The reason was Ashmorn. In the absence of the king the Ruby would remain with the Ashmorn while the problem was grave. He was master in the black magic and could not kill Ashmorn directly.

This let him plan for five years.

Now it was day to get the Ashmorn and the king. The king would use the Ruby against the weak Ashmorn and kill her.

Later old master would kill the king because Ashnmorn would be no more to save the king. This plan was perfect yet it was necessary to get rid the loyal Arena Runners.

The grenade did not give much damage however the old master could no more use the certain skill for attack.

Team members wanted to clap for the younger player however their attention was fixated on the old master. One of the skills became useless because of timely attack.

The old master wielded his magic staff. The black smoke started to gather in the sky. It was similar of storm. The team members twitched. Their gowns started fluttering with the stormy smoke.

This time old master was glaring the younger player to see if he wanted to attack again.

Sashi found this chance. Nobody looked at her because she was standing among others. She pointed arrows. Not just one but three arrows at once shot toward the old master.

The old master was glaring the younger player and also using skill for attack. Never in the dreams of his demons he anticipated that someone could attack at this moment.

The arrows stuck in his chest. The magic staff staggered in his hand. Clark stepped ahead taking chance and smashed the hammer on the ground. Junan found it perfect time for the real attack. The skill of the old master scattered them immediately. The stormy smoke forced them away from each other.

Clark was helping Sashi to render the attack of the old master. Sashi was unable to attack again because the smoke circled around her and threw her away at the floor.

Junan ordered the tear to attack at the old master. The tear lit up and rushed toward the old master. It could not kill however the present attack stopped. The stormy smoke dispersed.

Team members heaved a sigh of relief. The second skill of the old master was made useless and he could no more use it against runners.

Seeing that runners were trying attack again the old master opened up third skill. He tapped his magic staff on the ground and the staff split in several sticks. Later they turned into walking dead coming straight from the hell. Their chard upper clothing and the zigzag walk resembled with the zombies however they were carrying the black weapons from the hell.

These weapons were seeping fire.

Old master was using his most terrifying skill to defeat the runners. Several walking dead demons walked separately toward each team member.

They were ordered to kill these runners at any cost or else the old master would throw them again in the real hell.

"This proves the old master is real demon in the Empire. I wonder why he is second boss?" Clark commented. He was ahead of others and the demon reached him first.

Junan picked second tear. From the look of the demons and the way the old master was standing satisfied it was apparent that the team members were under the real danger.

Battling with the demons would cost them damage more than once. It could potentially kill the team members that has incompatible weapon for the direct battle. Junan was team head and he could not neglect this possibility.

Old master was no more oblivious about the intentions of the team head. He was using the skill and keeping eyes at the team head. Jake was also thrown away before of the previous attack. He could see the tense situation. Orin, Albert and Clark reached ahead to battle with the demons.

Ahram went to provide cover to the team head.

Sashi came toward the younger player. They were at the back thinking some crude way to stop the old master. Junan shook his head. In this situation the tear would loss the impact because the old master might force the demon in front and the tear would only kill the demon instead of old master.

This was true. The sharp head old master was thinking the same. Clark used his hammer to stop the attack of the walking dead demon however the three demons threw Orin on the ground.. They were about to kill him with three weapon\'s attack.

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