The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 57 - Unlocking The Eight Great Meridians

When Aunt Lin saw him, she was a little stunned, but Uncle Min on the other hand erupted in a roaring laughter as he lightly tapped Dara on the shoulder;

"Soon little kid… Very soon… Your meridians are only shying away from appearing now, but if you do some more training, they should reveal themselves in three days max!" Uncle Min blurted…

Dara\'s eyes widened to its extremes when he heard Uncle Min\'s statement, whilst Aunt Lin finally snapped out of her daze and joined them in merriment…

"You need to head over to your cultivation spot, using such a pure Qi would help you set up a very strong foundation…" Uncle Min advised as they all left for the base of the plateau…

"Lin\'er, you stay up here, light up the fire ring and help keep a look out, whenever anything happens, just call to me and I will rush out to help…"

Uncle Min ended his speech with a kiss as he took Dara down the pit to provide guidance, help and protection throughout his meridian opening process…

On getting down there Dara eagerly sat cross-legged and prepared to enter a meditative trance;

"The death Qi down here is much less potent giving you the opportunity to harvest more natural energy…"

Uncle Min began to give his advice as Dara prepared to begin his first ever cultivation process;

"You also need to take it easy…"

"If you open your first meridian carelessly, all these potent energy around you might surge into them at once, and should your meridian be unable to absorb that much energy, it might burst and that ends your cultivation before it even begins…"

Uncle Min tried to give the eager Dara some sound warning before he jumped into an abyss, thinking it was a shallow pit…

Dara shut his eyes and entered a meditative trance, and just about ten seconds later;


The energies within the pit began to billow out with insane momentum and force as they all began to whip around Dara, forming a massive whirlpool of energy around him…

Dara tapped into the meridian opening technique he had gotten from the Dark Soul\'s memories [which was a bajillion times better than the one his sister passed down to him]…

Since he was going to be cultivating the [Testaments of Asuras] first, it was only reasonable that he used the meridian opening technique that was focused around physical body cultivation, and the [Numen of Ancient Scholars] technique gave him just that…

The meridian technique was attuned towards the; Brain, Heart, Abdomen, Blood, Bones, Tendons, Muscles and Flesh and these are the main physical organs of any Body cultivator…

But just as he was about to begin, Dara realized that there was no instruction on the best meridian to open first, and he also knew that there was no way Uncle Min could have any idea about that since the technique he was using to cultivate might as well be far better than that of the ruler of the entire Planet Jok…

But using his own discretion, Dara decided to begin with his brain first…

Then he gradually and slowly opened the one leading to his brain;

Zoo! Zoo! Zoo!

The energies within the pit surged towards Dara violently like a dragon who had just had its eggs stolen…

It was like working class Asians waiting for a train to arrive, and the moment the train arrived, they all squeezed into it just so they could get to work on time…

It was the same scenario with the workers being the Death Qi and Dara\'s meridian being the commuting subway train…

He opened the meridians leading to his brains first, and the energies surged into it rapidly like an inversely broken dam…


Dara felt the sheer amount of pressure the incoming energies were exerting on the meridians leading to his brain…

But with the OP cultivation technique, Uncle Min\'s warnings, and his desire to cultivate, Dara ensured that he kept his cool at every point in time…

He controlled the influx of death energy and though his brains felt the effect of the death aura, but because he was very deep underground where the death aura was faint and the fact that he was born in the Dark Lands; a  place which was infused with a more potent Qi than the Grey Lands, Dara was able to cope with its pain for the moment…

Dara took less than ten minutes to completely open his cranial meridians which granted him an enhanced mental thought speed, and comprehension power, and as a result, the amount of time it took to open his next meridian which was the one in his flesh was halved...

Thus, after just five minutes, Dara was done opening his flesh meridian as he began to feel the amount of tensile strength and resistance radiating all over his entire body, and with this level of power, he was sure that if the Lion/Dog looking beast attacked him once again, his skin wouldn\'t be pierced, even though he might suffer some internal injuries…

But this was not the time to be thinking about all that, thus, he moved on to muscles, and whilst he was absorbing these energies at an insane momentum, Dara began to transfer all the death aura within his body into the flesh on his right arm and stored them there…

Then he continued with his muscles and this time, it even took lesser amount of time to actually finish unlocking his muscle meridian because he didn\'t need to factor the death aura effect anymore and simply sent all of it into the flesh surrounding his right arm, thus it took Dara three minutes to actually unlock the meridian linking to his muscles…

He moved on to the Tendons, then Bones, and after resting for a little bit because the next meridian he was about to unlock was extremely delicate;

The Blood Nourishing meridian, and as a result, Dara took about half an hour opening this meridian, and whist that felt like a lot of time to him, Uncle Min was busy staring with his eyes almost popping out of his sockets and his jaws almost leveling the floor…

It had taken his wife who was much more talented than he was a full week to open her first meridian; even himself had taken almost two weeks to open his first and about four months in total to open his 8 Great Meridians…

But here was Dara, with six opened and the he had barely spent even 45 minutes, but he was still feeling everything was slow, and this was without considering the fact that he was currently cultivating his physical body which was multiple times harder than just cultivating their Qi which simply involves opening the meridians...

Uncle Min felt like dipping his head in a pile of beast dung out of frustration, but he managed to keep his cool so as not to disturb Dara…

At the end of the hour mark, Dara had completely unlocked the meridian leading towards his abdomen, meaning, the major parts of his outer physical body had been channeled through to the natural energy of the Planet of Jok…

But after everything, it all amounted to seven meridians, and then he spent the an entire half an hour to carefully and delicately unlock the meridian leading into his heart, and after that was done, Dara then began to fully absorb these energies to first strengthen these meridians by increasing their thickness to increase the strain of absorbing Qi at an insane speed, and also increase sturdiness to help improve the rate at which he discharge energy in battle...

Then finally, the pores to help increase the volume of Qi he absorbs or discharges at any given moment in time…

After doing that, Dara then channeled all the death aura to his right arm until they turned pitch black from the elbow to his fingers…

The more he absorbed these Qi, the darker his hand became, and the more Dara felt the amount of death energy coursing through his arm, and he was sure that should he touch anything with this arm of his, that spot he had touch would definitely die and decay…

Dara grinned to himself at the thought of this, as he felt he just created his first fighting ability, and whilst he was grinning to himself, Uncle Min was also seeing all these changes and was very sure of what Min Hong was thinking;

"We should go hunt some beasts once you are done; that way you will be able to test the effect of this ability of yours and its power…"

Uncle Min mentioned as Dara nodded his head happily before he began his first true cultivation session of the day, and that was strengthening every part of his body which he had just linked a meridian to…

Since he was done unlocking his meridians and it seemed like he had a good cultivation technique, Uncle Min allowed Dara to continue his cultivation peacefully as he returned back to the surface…

Dara spent the rest of the entire day which amounted to about 14 hours to strengthen these body parts of his, and from the way everything was, he had barely scrapped 0.00001 percent of the Qi available within the Grey and Dark Lands, so he also returned to the surface after Uncle Min, feeling like a container which was filled to the brim with pressurized gas ready to explode with insane momentum and power…

He bent towards the ground and found the center of his body gravity, and began to gather all his strength at that point, and as he did that, the entire area of about 10 mere began to vibrate s the stone literally began to elevate about a few inches off the ground, and then;


Dara erupted of the ground leaving about a twelve inch deep crater on the ground with a spider web of cracks spreading about a foot outwards as he leapt up to about 10 meters of the ground before flipping and descending with a magnificent superhero landing…


Clap! Clap! Clap!

Uncle Min who was watching the entire scenario from the top of the plateau couldn\'t help but clap in joy and commendation…

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